The patterns of internationalization and business process outsourcing (BPO) as keys of business internationalization for multinational companies
Business internationalization, Internalization, Business Process Out-sourcing (BPO), multinational companies, patternsAbsztrakt
This paper analyzes and presents the outlines of business process out-sourcing (BPO) for multinational companies. The methodology of research started with an initial literature review then to go further with the research there was a focus on data analysis and description, The research has focused as well on ana-lyzing the OLI model for BPO and internationalization by suggesting BPO in the model for multinational companies. According to the analysis and results, BPO is relevant for both domestic and multinational companies but some features and re-strictions may be possible during the process. Restrictions, strengths, weaknesses and risks that should be taken into consideration by the company that would like to operate as multinational or remain domestic. In conclusion, BPO has become a common contemporary business model with a number of companies seeking to outsource variable costs as much as possible, to establish market relationships with subcontractors and to focus on design and management of the value chain for busi-ness values but a resilience plan to mitigate risks during BPO and internationali-zation is very important.
JEL Codes F20, D45, F23, L25, M16
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